Alessia Cara
In the year 2015, at age 19, she published her first debut single Here. This single received a lot of praise and was well-received by both listeners and critics. The song reached the top spot at 19 on the Canadian Hot 100 and Billboard Hot 100. Even Rolling Stone named the hit one of the Best Songs of 2015. This is the same year that she dropped Know It All. Scars to Your Beautiful is one of five songs she wrote that made it to the Billboard charts. In her Rap-Up interview the listeners discussed Cara's journey to self-love and her fears. Cara integrates messages about kindness and loving yourself in her songs. The inspiration for her music is drawn from her own personal experiences as she been battling mental health issues as well as insomnia. Reuters said that she described her album "half chaotic, but half done". Her development was assisted by therapy. She also encourages her fellow singers, if needed, to ask for assistance. Alessia Cara was born to Italian parents on July 11, 1996. When she was 10 years old her parents gave her a guitar, which was the starting point of her musical passion. In 2013, she performed the songs she loved for YouTube the most popular media platform. It was done to show that she had both the ability and the confidence to be an artist. Sweater Weather became her most well-known song. A record label, EP Entertainment, noticed her and allowed her to write songs.

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